Thursday, 8 November 2012


Ball bouncing round enviroment, i put allot of time into making the ball bounce round the enviroment. I thought about anticipation and overlap through streching and squashing. Timing as usual was the hardest obstacle, but i felt it flowed very well, i will be manipulating this later on so stay aware.

Sunday, 4 November 2012


I have also used a rig given to my by a teacher and put it into an MJ pose. I feel the result is very good, and gives my friends a reason why i was asking them to pose so wierdly

Hello to my one follower
So recently i have dabbled in 3D modelling. The results were fairly good and i feel everything i created is identifiable.
I have also made my ball jump round this 3D environment and after many attempts i have created my first animation over 2 seconds. This will be added at a later date once i have put it though premiere pro.